A b o u t W i l l e m a n d J o h a n
With more than 60 years of combined coaching experience, Willem and Johan have a proven record of assisting top professionals in various areas. Over the years we have developed unique out of the box methods and tools which can propel your performances to another level. Below video is just one of the various references that speak for themselves.

Willem has been involved with coaching business and sport professionals for almost 40 years. During that long period he has developed an innovative personal style and out of the box methods that have been applied succesfully in various sports disciplines.
Johan started exploring self development in the early nineties. He specifically researched neuroscience, the working of the subconscious mind and how it effects performance. Out of this knowledge he developped various unique methods such as MTA's (Mental Transformation Animations).

Our Services make the Difference
Personal Approach
Each person is unique and has his or her own personal frame of reference and view on the world. That is why we developed a unique method to better understand your personal needs and challenges. We name this your personal CV questionnary. After you complete this questionnary we will have a better feeling and understanding what tools and methods might work best for you to guide you towards your goals.
Out of the Box Tools & Methods
We engage ourselves to support your progress with all our experience, know how, and unique tools and methods we developped. Most of these tools and methods are explained in our book 'Brain Upgrade for the Brain Pandemic' which we advise you to read.
Based on the personal CV we always propose a personal discussion to find out the best way to support your ambitions.

What is a Brain Upgrade
Your personal BrainUpgrade consists of 5 stages
Show Up with an Open Mind
Scale Up Your Skills and Insights.
Clean Up Your Subconscious blockages.
Upgrade Your way of Thinking.
Grow Up to the Best Version of Yourself.
The most essential stage is showing up with an open mind, because all of our methods are out of the box, and without an open mind you will struggle to benifit from them.
The Purple Camelia
Various insights of BrainUpgrade for the BrainPandemic are integrated in the musical 'The Purple Camelia'. This musical under production will bring a transformational story about a family of jewelers. 'The Wave' is one of the precious pieces of jewellery that have been designed under the brand 'LaMarquisa' (www.lamarquisa.com). A limited production is already available.
This pendant symbolizes the urgent need to create a wave of increased consciousness. You can already enjoy an animation and the music that has been composed on the YouTube channel of The Purple Camelia
BrainUpgrade for the BrainPandemic
This book is condensing more than 60 years of bundled mentoring experience. It explains the existence of a BrainPandemic and how that pandemic is caused by learnt helplessness, a distorted perception of reality and by various subconscious influences.
Willem and Johan offer the readers a variety of insights, AHA Moments, and methods that can improve their performance, or allow them to adapt better to a fast evolving society. The out of the box tools that are presented have been applied by top athletes in various disciplines as well as in the corporate environment.
This book is written with transformation intend on a personal and societal level and therefore it is universally accessible to business leaders, managers, employees, students, and sport professionals.